January 22, 2020
Paper accepted in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C
A paper on the optical signatures of doped P3HT in aggregates and isolated chains has been published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C. The paper titled "The optical signatures of molecular-doping induced polarons in poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl): individual polymer chains versus aggregates" is detailed spectroscopic study that elucidates the key differences in optical signatures of polarons between aggregated and isolated chains in doped P3HT. Link The work was in collaboration between Humboldt university and Potsdam university and is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the project “FoMEDOS” (project number 286798544). |
November 2, 2019
Participation as a lecturer in the HERCULES @SESAME school on Soft x-ray spectroscopy Dr. Mansour has been invited as a lecturer on soft x-ray spectroscopy in the SESAME light source in Jordan as part of the Hercules school (Higher European Research Course for Users of Large Experimental Systems) organized by ESRF and SESAME. He provided two lectures on the fundamentals and applications of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The slides of the lectures can be accessed on the following link. https://www.sesame.org.jo/news/open-sesame-hercules-school-sesame |
April 1, 2019
Postdoctoral assignment at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB)
Dr. Mansour has been appointed as a Postdoctoral researcher at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie. He will be working in the Molecular Systems research group (EE-GMS) lead by Prof. Norbert Koch. The group is a joint group working mutually in HZB and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Molekulare Systeme group (EE-GMS) |
April 1, 2019
Oral presentation in DPG spring meeting 2019 at Regensburg
Dr. Mansour has presented an oral presentation titled "Differentiation between the optical signatures of aggregates and of isolated chains in doped P3HT solutions" at the molecular electronics and excited state properties session (CPP.3) during the DPG spring meeting 2019 at Regensburg, Germany. |
October 23, 2018
Participation in (ASOMEA - IX)
Dr. Mansour presented a research poster during the 9th workshop on advanced spectroscopy of organic materials for electronic applications (ASOMEA IX) at Schluchsee, Germany. The presented poster included recent results on investigating the electronic structure and chemical interactions in doped P3HT with the Lewis acid dopant BCF. |
March 14, 2018
Appointed as Postdoctoral Researcher at Humboldt University of Berlin
Dr. Mansour has been appointed as a Postdoctoral researcher at Humboldt University of Berlin. He has joined the Supramolecular Systems research group led by Prof. Norbert Koch. He will be investigating of the electronic structure of doped organic materials using photoemission spectroscopy. |
November 27, 2017
Oral presentation at MRS Fall meeting 2017
Dr. Mansour has presented an oral presentation titled "Hybrid Doping Strategy for Few-Layer Graphene via a Combination of Intercalation and Surface Doping" at the Organic Semiconductor - Surface, Interface, Bulk Doping and Charge Transport" (EM 1) during MRS Fall Meeting 2017 in Boston. |
November 22, 2017
May 23, 2017
Paper accepted in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
A manuscript on the hybrid-doping of few layers graphene have been accepted in ACS: Applied Materials and Interfaces journal. The manuscript titled "Hybrid Doping of Few-Layer Graphene via a Combination of Intercalation and Surface Doping" demonstrates the effective doping of FLG by combining surface doping by larger (metal−)organic molecules and intercalation of smaller molecules, such as Br2 and FeCl3, into the bulk. Intercalation tunes the carrier concentration more effectively, whereas surface doping of intercalated FLG can be used to tune its work function without reducing the carrier mobility. |
February 15, 2017
Surface Doping of Few Layer graphene research is featured on Graphene-info.com
Dr. Mansours work on the investigation of surface doping of Few Layer graphene using novel organic and metalorganic molecules has been featured on Graphene-info.com. Read the full article here. |
January 3, 2017
Paper accepted in Advanced Functional Materials
A manuscript on the surface doping of few layers graphene have been accepted (published online) in Advanced Functional Materials journal. The manuscript titled "Facile Doping and Work-Function Modification of Few-Layer Graphene Using Molecular Oxidants and Reductants" demonstrates a facile, solution-based, noncovalent surface doping of few-layer graphene (FLG) using a series of molecular metal-organic and organic species of varying n- and p-type doping strengths. The paper shows a modulation of the work function of graphene over a range of 2.4 eV (from 2.9 to 5.3 eV)—unprecedented for solution-based doping—via surface electron transfer. The dopant dosage influences the properties of FLG and reveals an optimal window of dopant coverage for the best transport properties, wherein dopant molecules aggregate into small and isolated clusters on the surface of FLG. This study shows how soluble molecular dopants can easily and effectively tune the work function and improve the optoelectronic properties of graphene. This work was done in collaboration with the Prof. Seth Marder group from Georgia Institute of Technology, where the novel dopants were synthesized. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27, 1602004. |
December 22, 2016
Appointed as Characterization Equipment Specialist at the KAUST Solar Center
Dr. Mansour has been appointed as Characterization Equipment Specialist as the KAUST Solar Center (KSC). His role is to provide specialized support in maintaining instrumentation used by many student and professional researchers in the characterization of solar and optoelectronic devices or its component materials. Moreover, he will work with a team of technical staff and academic researchers to help ensure an uninterrupted, high-standard of experimental research. |
December 16, 2016
Participation in the KAUST seventh commencement ceremony
Dr. Mansour has participated in the KAUST 7th commencement ceremony after successful completion of the requirements of Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering. The diploma was handed to Dr. Mansour by KAUST President Jean-Lou Chameau and the Dean of Physical Science and Engineering (PSE) division Prof. Yves Gnanou. After which he was gowned by his Ph.D. advisor Prof. Aram Amassian. The commencement ceremony can be watched online on the KAUST official Facebook page. |
November 30, 2016
Poster presentation at MRS Fall meeting 2016
Dr. Mansour has presented a poster titled "High performing Transparent conductive electrodes based on intercalated Few Layers Graphene" at the Nanotubes and Related Nanostructures symposium (NM 3) during MRS Fall Meeting 2016 in Boston. The presented work describes the investigation of intercalation of CVD few layers graphene with Ferric Chloride in a two-zone vapor transport process as a viable doping route to reduce the sheet resistance and modulate the work function towards application as TCE in photovoltaic devices using Hall effect measurement, Raman Spectroscopy, Kelvin probe, photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS and UPS) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Our results show a significant decrease of sheet resistance by more than 90% achieving a minimum value of 70 Ohm/sq. |
November 29 - December 1, 2016
Organization of a successful student-organized event at MRS Fall meeting 2016
Ahmed E. Mansour has participated as a co-organizer for the first student-organized events at the MRS Fall Meeting 2016 in Boston. This KAUST students organized event has been a great success. The four sessions on academic writing were well attended, recording a remarkable attendance of 80 each on average. The audience included a diverse pool of scientists including graduate students, post-docs and professors, and have been very interactive with our speakers during the sessions. We have heard much positive feedback, assuring a great footprint for KAUST and an excellent impression of the KAUST students. Furthermore, we have been the highlight of social media by extensive tweets, Facebook and LinkedIn posts through the channels of MRS, KAUST communication, and others. This is part of a new initiative by the Materials Research Society entitles members of its student chapters around the world to compete by submitting proposals for events that would talk place during the MRS meetings. The KAUST student chapter event is the inaugural event for this initiative, for which the organizers have received a written appreciation note from the MRS president. |
October 27, 2016
Successfully defended Ph.D. Dissertation
Ahmed E. Mansour has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation titled "Versatile and Tunable Transparent Conducting Electrodes Based on Doped Graphene" at KAUST. The defense started with a 50 minutes presentation in front of a general audience, demonstrating the key outcome and achievements of his Ph.D. work relating to the chemical doping of few-layer graphene using both intercalation doping and surface doping and their combination, and their mutual combination towards enhancing the optoelectronic properties of graphene towards applications as transparent conductive electrodes. A closed examination session followed, where the questions and comments of the committee members were addressed. The examination committee included: Prof. Aram Amassian of KAUST (committee chair), Prof. Husam Alshareef of KAUST (committee member), Prof. Iain Mcculloch of KAUST and director of the KAUST solar center (committee member) and Prof. Paolo Samori of University of Strasbourg (external committee member). Ahmed E. Mansour has successfully passed the defense fulfilling the requirements of his Ph.D. degree from KAUST. |
March 31, 2016
Oral presentation at MRS Spring meeting 2016
Ahmed E. Mansour has presented an oral presentation titled "Molecular electronic doping of transparent conductive few layers graphene films via metal-organic complexes" at the Emerging Materials and Phenomena for Solar Energy Conversion symposium (EE 1) during MRS Spring Meeting 2016 in Pheonix. The talk described the investigation of the role of dopants strength and coverage on the properties of optically transparent few layers graphene (FLG) with metal-organic molecules of a wide range of doping strength and compare their effect on the transport properties and work function shifts in graphene. |
March 26, 2016
July 22, 2015
Paper accepted in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
A manuscript on the Bromination of few layers graphene have been accepted in ACS: Applied Materials and Interfaces journal. The manuscript titled "Bromination of Graphene: A New Route to Making High Performance Transparent Conducting Electrodes with Low Optical Losses" demonstrates the effect of bromine doping on graphene work function, sheet resistance and transmittance, towards application as a transparent conductive electrode. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7 (32), pp 17692–17699 |
December 4, 2015
Poster presentation at MRS Fall meeting 2015
The Bromination of few layers graphene as a route to enhance the properties of graphene towards application as a transparent conductive electrode has been presented at Symposium: NN: Thin-Film and Nanostructure Solar Cell Materials and Devices for Next-Generation Photovoltaics of the MRS Fall meeting 2015, Boston, USA |
August 9, 2015
Oral presentation at SPIE Optics and Photonics 2015
The Bromination of few layers graphene as a route to enhance the properties of graphene towards application as a transparent conductive electrode has been presented at the International Symposium on NanoScience + Engineering which a part of SPIE Optics and Photonics 2015, in San Diego, USA. A video recording of the presentation is available online at the SPIE digital library. |
April 23, 2015
Successful completion of the Ph.D. proposal oral exam
Successfully presented and passed the Ph.D. oral exam at KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia. The Ph.D. proposal titled "Transparent conductive electrodes base on doped graphene for photovoltaic applications" was presented to the PhD committee headed by the PhD advisor Prof. Aram Amassian, Prof. Husam AlShareef from the Materials Science and Engineering department at KAUST and Prof. Iain Mcculloch from Chemical Science department at KAUST. |
December 10, 2014
November 25, 2012
Online oral presentation at MRS Fall meeting 2012
Ahmed has lead the MRS student chapter group in the Sustainability Forum of the MRS Fall meetings 2012. The presentation was broadcast from KAUST, Thuwal - Saudi Arabia to the audience at MRS meeting in Boston -USA. The presentation was followed with a panel discussion with representatives from government, industry and academia. A video of the Presentation and panel discussion is available on MRS on Demand. |
January 21, 2012
July 5, 2011
Successfully defended Master's thesis
Successfully defended my Masters degree thesis at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal - Saudi Arabia. The thesis titled"structural analysis of planar sp3 and sp2 films: Diamond- like carbon and graphene over layers" was presented and examined by thesis advisor Prof. Aram Amassian, and committee members, Prof. Husam Alshareef and Prof. Udo Schwingenschlogl form the Materials Science and Engineering at KAUST. |
December 16, 2010
June 26, 2009
April 10, 2009
January 11, 2009
March 8, 2008
January 16, 2008
KAUST Admission Acceptance and Discovery Scholarship Notification
Official notification have been received from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, stating that Dr. Mansour has been accepted for admission as a founding class in 2009, and has been awarded the KAUST Discovery Scholarship. |